Module 1 of the Sustainable Leadership Preparedness Programme

Sustainability Issues and High Impacts

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Faculty Experts
8-10 hours
Course Content
What you will Earn

Course Preview and Syllabus

All Lessons Include:


The length of a typical video is under 5 minutes in order to keep you focused.

Text Narratives 

The segments are written in business English, easy to comprehend with only important information. 

Reflections, Exercises & Quizzes

Reflections and exercises are free text assignments that give you the ability to immediately apply learnings. Quizzes are multiple choice.

Additional Resources

We have included many useful external assets and links that enable you to deep-dive on a particular subject of interest.

Introduction and Definition of Sustainability

• Leadership
• Philanthropy
• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
• Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)
• Materiality
• Our CHANGE Approach


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Faculty Expert

Frederik Otto

Executive Director, The Sustainability Board
Get an understanding of terminology, evolution of sustainability from philanthropy to core business strategy and materiality. We also discuss our CHANGE approach.

Climate Change

• Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming
• Mitigation & Adaptation
• Material Impacts, Opportunities, Risks
• Business Innovation
• Implementing Climate Strategy
• Standards & Reporting
• Reality of Current Market Conditions
• Reality of Actions and Leaders stepping up


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Faculty Expert

Dr Renard Siew

Head of Corporate Sustainability, Yinson
WEF Expert Network Member Global Future Council

Faculty Expert

Bill McKibben

Author, Educator, and Environmentalist
Founder & Third Act

Nature & Biodiversity

• Nature, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
• Biodiversity and Business Risk
• Regulation & Litigation
• Supply Chains
• Lifecycles


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Faculty Expert

Zaneta Sedilekova

Biodiversity and Climate Risk Lawyer
CEO, Planet Law Lab
Learn about nature's ecosystem services and its economic implications, as well as risks of biodiversity loss and how regulation and litigation is shaping directors' duties.

Human Rights

• Human Rights in Business
• Rio Tinto Case Study – Juukan Gorge
• Due Diligence
• Audits
• Leadership


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Faculty Expert

Phil Bloomer

Executive Director, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Discover the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and delve into a popular case study discussing a major incident and reconciliation efforts of mining giant Rio Tinto.

AI & Emerging Technology

• What is AI?
• Magnitude of AI and Business Case
• Business Readiness
• Organisation Design
• AI and ESG
• Director’s Duties


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Faculty Expert

Karen Silverman

CEO, The Cantellus Group
WEF Global AI Council, Global Innovator, and Experts Network
Understand the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, its subcategories and the implications to business and governance. Gather practical recommendations to draft a foundational AI roadmap.

Geopolitics & Conflict

• Ambiguity
• Supply Chains
• Climate Change Considerations
• Geopolitical Advisors
• Organisational Challenges


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Faculty Expert

Heather Neeman

Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Luminae Group
National Security, Foreign Policy and Law Advisor
Gain an understanding of global geopolitical uncertainties, business and leadership implications, as well as the state of play for strategic decision making and risk mitigation strategies.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

• The Illusion of Inclusion
• Intake and Promotion
• Meritocracy Stress Test
• Risks
• Homogeneity and Heterogeneity
• Tools
• Gender Equal Boards


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Faculty Expert

Laura Liswood

Secretary General, Council of Women World Leaders 
Former Managing Director & Senior Advisor, Goldman Sachs
Learn practical strategies from a global icon of gender equality and women leadership. Understand the misinterpretation of diversity strategies and how to achieve real inclusion.
Discover the next module

Leadership, Business Models, and Strategy

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