Module 3 of the Sustainable Leadership Preparedness Programme


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Faculty Experts
3-4 hours
Course Content
What you will Earn

Course Preview and Syllabus

All Lessons Include:


The length of a typical video is under 5 minutes in order to keep you focused.

Text Narratives 

The segments are written in business English, easy to comprehend with only important information. 

Reflections, Exercises & Quizzes

Reflections and exercises are free text assignments that give you the ability to immediately apply learnings. Quizzes are multiple choice.

Additional Resources

We have included many useful external assets and links that enable you to deep-dive on a particular subject of interest.

The new Role of Boards

• Changed Roles of Boards
• The Chair
• CEO & Chair Collaboration
• Public and Private Entity Scope
• Regulator’s View
• Role of Committees


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Faculty Expert

Jeannette Lichner

Chair, Non-Executive Director, Senior Advisor/Mentor/Coach, and Sustainability Champion
Reflect how the role of a board director has changed, as well as dynamics and expectations in the boardroom. Learn about the regulator's point of view and how accountability diverges.

Sustainability Governance

• Implications of Sustainability for Directors
• Legal Responsibilities of Directors
• Who directors’ duties are owed to
• Stakeholder Governance Framework
• Structuring Sustainability Oversight
• Board Composition


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Faculty Expert

Beatriz Araujo

WEF Governance Expert
Former Head of Corporate Governance, Baker McKenzie
Understand the legal basis for discharging directors' duties and how to structure sustainability governance.
Learn how to build stakeholder governance and the importance of diverse board composition.

Boardroom Crisis Management

• Types of Crisis
• Crisis Response
• Roles & Responsibilities
• Foresight & Tools
• Planning


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Faculty Expert

Patrick Dunne OBE

Chair of Boardelta, The EY Foundation and ESSA- Education Sub
Saharan Africa
Review various types of crisis and explore how to build a resilient board approach.
Discover a particular crisis event and probe various actions to foster continuity in business and leadership.
Discover the next module

Action Planning and Next Steps

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