Module 2 of the Sustainable Leadership Preparedness Programme

Leadership, Business Models, and Strategy

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Faculty Experts
4-5 hours
Course Content
What you will Earn

Course Preview and Syllabus

All Lessons Include:


The length of a typical video is under 5 minutes in order to keep you focused.

Text Narratives 

The segments are written in business English, easy to comprehend with only important information. 

Reflections, Exercises & Quizzes

Reflections and exercises are free text assignments that give you the ability to immediately apply learnings. Quizzes are multiple choice.

Additional Resources

We have included many useful external assets and links that enable you to deep-dive on a particular subject of interest.

Personal Responsibility of Leaders

• Polycrisis
• Paul Polman & Unilever
• Outcome of Courageous Leadership
• Hard Questions
• Moral Compass


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Faculty Expert

Halla Tomasdottir

Former CEO, The B Team
7th President of Iceland
Recap on the current issues facing society and what attributes make a sustainable leader. Learn about Paul Polman's leadership at Unilever, and hard questions to confront yourself with. 

Business Models

• Current Economic Development
• Scope 1-3
• Stakeholders and Ownership
• Patagonia Case Study
• Business Model Innovation
• Leadership


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Faculty Expert

Dr Pamela Ravasio

Leadership Advisor, Keynote Speaker, Author
INED Polygiene AB, Shirahime, INSEAD IDP-C
Understand the current economic paradigm and its conflict with sustainable development. Discover how different ownership structures influence sustainability strategy.

Family Business

• Attributes of Family Business
• Opportunities for Sustainable Leadership
• Challenges
• Generational Implications
• Building a Sustainability Legacy
• Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


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Faculty Expert

Michael Reed

Sustainability Advisor
Former CEO of RBC Singapore Branch, Royal Bank of Canada
Understand the specific attributes of family-controlled companies and their unique opportunity to lead on sustainable business.

This lesson includes an introduction to the UN SDGs.

Sustainable Strategy

• Scenarios
• Purpose
• Culture


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Faculty Expert

Frederik Otto

Executive Director, The Sustainability Board
Comprehend the difference between a standalone sustainability strategy and integrated sustainable strategy. Get accustomed to helpful tools to gauge future developments, purpose and culture.
Discover the next module


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